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Take advantage of early order pricing:
8/1/19 - 10/11/17 - $47.17 + tax
10/12/19 - 11/29/19 - $53.00 + tax
11/30/19 - 1/31/20 - $55.00 + tax
2/1/20 - end of school year - $60 + tax
Place your order by clicking the banner at the top of this page, calling 1-866-282-1516, or paying Mrs. Kludy with a check (made payable to Shelby High School) or cash.
Do you have great pictures from dances, games, school activities or just pictures of friends hanging out? Tag our social media!
Senior photos are due to Mrs. Kludy by January 10, 2020. The following guidelines must be met:
Photos must be vertical (portrait) in composition
Digital images may be burned to a CD, saved on a flash drive or Emailed to Mrs. Kludy.
Photos may be submitted in print or digital form. Print images must be printed at a photo lab (photos printed on an inkjet printer cannot be accepted). Digital images must be high resolution (300 dpi or higher).